Millennium Mams’ celebrated its 23rd Annual Event at Taj Bengal. Our mentors Mr. Bishnu Dhanuka and Mr. Sanjay Bhuwania addressed an august gathering of women of Kolkata and gave inspiring messages on financial independence and gender parity. The Titanium batch of 2015-16 presented a spectacular event, showcasing their learning through topics as diverse as: ‘3 Ds of economy; ‘I am a working woman I will excel’, ‘Education demystified’ and ‘E-commerce’. The unique presentations supported by wonderful audio-visual effects and magical performances left an audience of 600 women enthralled. The closing ceremony with some foot-tapping music and beautifully choreographer dances gave an apt finale to a remarkable evening.
Annual Day 2016
Author: Millennium Mams'
The Millennium Mams’ world is that environment where content meets true intent. A unique women’s only forum that believes in empowering them through financial literacy.